Golf is for life !

Dinard Golf Club is set within a sensitive natural environment that is home to a number of rare animal and plant species. It has therefore been subject to a range of special protection measures, all of which are compatible with the game of golf.

An “arrêté préfectoral de protection du biotope” (conferring protected natural habitat status) was signed on 25 May 1998, followed by a “Convention de gestion conservatoire du patrimoine floristique” (floral heritage conservation management agreement) on 23 December 2004

Although they may appear restrictive, we believe that these measures help maintain the true spirit and appeal of the game of golf. The current St. Andrews R&A rules on ecologically-sensitive areas (nr. 25-1 and 26-1) are also applied here.

Among the many remarkable plants to be found here are several varieties of orchids (including the Frog Orchid, Netted Adderstongue and Early Spider Orchid), as well as other less prestigious varieties. Several rare species of migratory birds choose to rest here on their long flights.

The golf course is also a reserve for many much simpler, but equally vulnerable, natural plants and habitats.

A small, fully-illustrated, free booklet called “Dinard Golf Autrement” (The other Face of Dinard Golf Club) lists all the plants and animals of special interest. This helpful booklet is designed to make all players aware of this beautiful living environment and encourages them to take care of it.

Given that this is a links course where water is so easy available, the watering policy here is simply: “Keep the grass alive!”, which means the minimum necessary to keep the course as it should be. That is the reason why the colors, from dark green to yellow green are different depending on the season..


We  also have sheep that naturally maintain the rough.